Optify changelog

Announcing Optify

changelog cover

We are excited to announce Optify with this first Changelog post!

After months of hard and fun work building the core of our product, including dynamically cropping out whitespace, compressing without quality loss, converting to another file type, and much more.

Slow-loading images will no longer hold your site speed back. Optify has you covered!

Powerful features

  • Crop out whitespace dynamically

  • Compress without sacrificing quality

  • Convert to the file type of your choice

  • Optimize multiple images at once

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual optimization and hello to visually stunning images that load in a snap.

Take your site speed to the next level

With Optify you can take your website speed to the next level and improve your customer's shopping experience. Fast loading images can lead to a higher ranking in Google Search, increased engagement and more conversions.

Try Optify for Free - today!